Saturday, January 26, 2013

Big Day in the Park 2013 - Update

Join us for our Big Day in the Park on Sunday, April 7, 2013. Click here for details.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Commons Ford Prairie Organization - Big Day in the Park

Mark your calendar for Sunday, April 7, 2013 for the Commons Ford Big Day in the Park 2013 and join us for plenty of birding and nature walks including activities for families and children. We expect to have vendors selling artwork, books, food, beverages and other items. We will also have another Wing Ding where we count all of the birds seen and heard in the park that day. While attendance and all activities are free, The Big Day in the Park will raise funds to continue the Commons Ford Prairie Restoration Project and donations of any amount are encouraged. We are very excited about the results from the first year's planting, but must continue efforts to further remove invasives and replant natives to insure long-term success. Come see the beginning of a beautiful native prairie. More details will follow, but if you have questions now or if you are interested in volunteering to staff information tables, assist with set up, etc. please contact Diane Sherrill at